Ports-to-Plains Virtual Annual Conference

October 28, 2020 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Ports-to-Plains Virtual Annual Conference
Duffy Hinkle Ports-to-Plains

Ports-to-Plains Virtual Annual Conference
The Ports-to-Plains Alliance Annual Conference is going VIRTUAL this year on Wed, October 28 from 2-4 pm (CDT)! Faced with roadblocks, travel advisories, and caution lights (pun intended) in holding an in-person conference this year, we still want to make sure to inform and update you on what has already proven to be an exceptionally successful year for the Ports-to-Plains Alliance!
Speakers for this meeting are Mr. John Osborne, President/CEO of Lubbock Economic Development Alliance, and Chair of Ports-to-Plains Alliance; Mrs. Deb Cottier, Executive Director of Northwest Nebraska Development Corporation, Chair for Heartland Expressway Association and a board member for the Ports-to-Plains Alliance; and Mr. Cal Klewin, Executive Director of Theodore Roosevelt Expressway Association. These three presenters will discuss what is happening in their respective Corridor and future projects, ideas, and strategies on the horizon.
Please make your plans to join us! Everyone is welcome to attend. Free registration is now available, so take just a moment to complete it. Prior to the event, we will email all registrants the information to sign on to the virtual conference. Together we are PAVING THE FUTURE and this year’s roadblocks have not slowed us down one bit on making huge strides toward our goal!

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