National Take Our Daughters & Sons to Work Day

April 22, 2021 all-day
National Take Our Daughters & Sons to Work Day
United States

Each year on the fourth Thursday in April, National Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day encourages parents to take their children to work.

This annual event is an educational program in the United States and Canada where parents take their children to work with them for one day. The day is designed to help children explore the workforce. It inspires children to see the different roles required to run a business or to build a project. They may find an interest in engineering, accounting or art while spending the day with mom or day. Perhaps a child’s natural proclivity for order leads them into logistics someday.

Children are observant and curious. Bring them into your work world so they can explore careers and skills. Empower them to set goals and create path to their dream career.

Share with your children what a day in your work life is like. If you work from home create activities to simulate what your day might involve. Perhaps they can join you on a conference call. Share with them the skills and education your job requires. Describe the process for completing a project and how ideas are sparked. For more at-home project ideas visit

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