Dove Creek Equine Rescue: “When in Drought” Emergency Campaign

June 20, 2022 all-day
"When in Drought" Emergency Campaign
Donations please
Amy Juba Dove Creek Equine Rescue

Dove Creek Equine Rescue launches “When in Drought” Emergency Campaign

June 8th – August 17th

As you know, we are facing unprecedented drought in the Texas Panhandle this year. Decreased rainfall means less grass for our herd of horses to graze in pastures in the warmer months. With less pasture to graze we are experiencing higher feed and hay costs this year. Limited hay sources and higher prices have forced us to come up with alternate ways of feeding.

As a solution, Dove Creek Equine Rescue has launched the When in Drought emergency campaign. Our goal is to raise $20,000 in 10 weeks to make up for the increase in the cost of hay this summer. We want to continue taking in as many unwanted horses in the Panhandle as possible, but we need your help!

Will you please consider a one-time or recurring gift of $26 or more to help us meet our goal?

  • $26 buys two square bales of hay, enough to feed 4 horses for 1 day
  • $52 feeds 8 horses for 1 day
  • $104 feeds 16 horses for 1 day
  • $135 buys a 1,000-pound round bale, which feeds our entire herd of 30 horses for 2 days

Just use the QR code in the image above or click on the link below to make a secure credit card donation and help FEED the HERD!

Thanks SO MUCH!

Laurie Higgins-Kerley
Executive Director


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