National Fairies Day

June 24, 2024 all-day
National Fairies Day
United States

We invite you to enter the enchanted world of fairies, as today is a day to celebrate these tiny, magical and mystical beings. Fairies, or Faeries as they are called in some parts of the world, are fascinating to people young and not so young alike.

In some form or another, fairies have captivated us for hundreds of years. Fairies first appeared in European countries back in the Middle Ages. They can also be found in Greek Mythology. Fairies are not limited to children’s fairy tales.

There are all kinds of fairies. Perhaps the best known, is the tooth fairy, who leaves money under a child’s pillow in exchange for a tooth. Fairies also have many cousins, including: dwarfs, elves, pixies, gnomes, or a variety of others. They have a wide variety of varying characteristics and traits. Fairies can be good or bad. They are often mischievous and whimsical.  

Are you up for a fairy tale? Then, take out a book with fairies in it, and let your imagination run wild as you read it.

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